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4 Clients in 4 Weeks Challenge

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Ready to attract 4 Clients in 4 Weeks?

Then here's your chance!

Discover the easiest, and fastest way to get clients and (get some money flowing into your business) even if you are just starting out!

In just 4 weeks, we’re going to help you set up your system for getting clients.

We’ll have fun together, and we’ll grow our businesses together.

URL: http://divinelyintuitivebusiness.com/4-in-4-challenge
Date: Monday, May 11, 2015
Time: 8:00pm-9:30pm UTC
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Access: Public
Category: Business*, Career*, Finance*, Investing*, Marketing*, Self Improvement*, Webinar*
Created by: Public Access
Updated: Thursday, April 30, 2015 1:24am UTC
Cost ($): 44
Call In Number: 425-440-5100
Contact Email: RevAnne@DivinelyIntuitiveBusiness.com
Contact Person: Rev. Anne Presuel
Contact Phone:
Comments: None
