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RADIO: Learn to Host - How to Have Your Own Radio Show

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Description: Want Your Own Radio Show?
This Teleseminar is for you!

You can go to an expensive school and get a degree in journalism, media productions, and political science etcetera and never get on the air. It is all about your talent and ability. If you desire a radio show, a successful option is to work quickly and inexpensively with an expert and learn the business so you are air quickly. Work directly with someone who already hosts a successful radio show (award-winning, syndicated) for over 7 years and is also interviewed on radio as an expert every week. You can be on radio within 5 weeks.

Discover How to Be a Radio Host
You can to be a radio host on an internet radio station. Who is this class for?

Beginners who have never had a radio show, but desire one
Those who have hosted, or currently host a radio show and want better results

Who makes a good radio host?

Do people tell you you’d be good on the radio? If you’re here, the answer is likely ‘yes.’ Perhaps you’re also:

You like to talk
People listen when you talk

Most importantly, the idea of being heard on air to voice your views, debate various topics and influence public opinion excites you.

Congratulations! You’re radio talk show host material.

Having some – or all – of these characteristics means you have the potential to be a successful radio talk show host. But keep in mind…you’re still a diamond in the rough.

Even rough diamonds require someone skilled to bring out the qualities that help them shine brightest. This same principle applies to all radio personalities. The best radio hosts initially relied on someone more experienced to help them develop their natural abilities.
The best way to learn how to be a radio host?

Get some good skills…with the help of someone in the know. This is a five week global teleseminar, each session is 90 minutes.

The best way to learn how to be a radio host is by acquiring the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to do the job. If you want to be successful, here are the two most important tips anyone can offer you:

It’s critical to know how the radio broadcasting industry actually thinks and operates. Understanding the mindset that drives the industry is important if you want to know how to be a radio host.

You need a winning strategy for breaking into radio broadcasting that works with the flow of how the industry operates. Having someone inside the industry to guide you gives you a great chance at success.

The ultimate teacher for aspiring radio talk show hosts:
The best qualified person to develop your natural skills is a working and experienced radio host. The reason is simple: They already do it for a living, and they know what it takes to succeed.

If you work with a mentor, you can access their knowledge and contacts and leverage their broadcasting experience to work in your favor by shortening your learning curve. Their experience is directly passed on to you.

A mentor working inside the industry can offer you:

Insider knowledge about the tricks of the trade passed along while working inside a radio station.
First-hand experience with breaking into the business.

The little-discussed secret to becoming a radio talk show host

Your chances of realizing your dream of becoming a radio host are greatest when:

Practical – You’re learning in a hands-on, learn-by-doing environment.
Reasonable – You choose the station and format you’d prefer to work in
Education – You receive one-on-one coaching and valuable feedback.
Transferable – You can host your own online radio talk show after the tele-class ends
Affordable – Your tuition fees are 85% lower than any broadcasting school.

If you learn best in a hands-on, learn-by-doing atmosphere, the mentor-apprentice learning model for broadcasting was designed for you. Find out how to become a radio talk show host.

Do I Want to Be a Radio Talk Show Host?

Radio talk show hosts prepare and deliver content about issues of local and national interest for broadcast. Hosts often focus on one topic, such as politics or sports. They choose the program’s topics and guests, conduct interviews, speak with call-in listeners on the air and host special events. Hosts may find the work to be stressful, due to tight scheduling and hovering deadlines. Relocating may be necessary to seek advancement in the field.

Has someone told you that you have a voice for radio? Do you like to meet people? Are you an expert in your profession? Do you have a keen grasp on current issues? Are you witty, intelligent and have a sense of humor? Do you have the gift of gab? Or are you a great listener? If you have one or more of these qualities, you have the foundation to become a radio talk show host.

Host your own online talk-radio show

What you have to say is always important and what you know is meant to be heard! Whether you’d like to discuss the Latest News, Love & Relationships, Sports, Politics, Health, or Religion – consider this global Teleseminar class your NEW HOME!

Hosting your own radio show will:

Provide you and others a forum to discuss what’s important to you.
Allow for true expression in a global environment.
Potentially influence local and international issues.
Give you and your listeners an outlet to have fun in an informative and entertaining program.
Give you a platform to showcase your specific expertise to your target market and/or audience.
Help you earn additional income through the marketing of your show.

In this Teleseminar you will learn:

Your show’s topic and name
How to be on the radio and be the host of your own show
Type of show you desire to do
Expert one on one coaching with participants. You’ll also learn from hearing your class mates be coached. Valuable!
Potential Internet Radio stations to host your show on
Be radio ready in 5 weeks
Researching features that will come up during the radio show
Planning the general direction of the show. This may include writing and scripting in preparation.
Meeting guests for the radio program beforehand and discussing the outline of interviews
Introducing music, guests and other features throughout the show
Ensuring the smooth running of the radio program
Conducting interviews with guests in person (either live or recorded beforehand) or on the telephone
Reading from a script or autocue, or improvising

Do You Want to Be on Radio Personality?

Become A Host - A life changing experience

Your Teleseminar Leader, EXPERT DEBBI DACHINGER is a Media Personality and author of the highly acclaimed, award-winning international bestsellers, DARE TO DREAM: This Life Counts -and- WISDOM TO SUCCESS: The Surefire Secrets to Accomplish All Your Dreams – considered must-reads for our changing times. Debbi is a popular media guest and speaker who’s been interviewed on 600+ radio and TV shows. She was the keynote at the Women’s Calgary Red Carpet event; and invited to present at the prestigious Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo as well as San Francisco’s New Living Expo along with distinguished speakers including Marianne Williamson. She leads popular Teleseminars on “RADIO BOOTCAMP: How to Booked on the Radio and Be Exquisite while On Air,” also “Be a Self-Published, International Bestselling Author,” and “Create Your Dreams Now: The 5 Pillars To Achieve All Dreams.” Debbi’s award-winning, syndicated “DARE TO DREAM” Radio show boasts 1 million listeners on 65 stations. Awards: Editor’s Pick: Featured Intriguing Creator, Broadcasting Industry Lifetime Achievement Award, Inducted into the Who’s Who Hall of Fame for Entertainment, and is in the documentary films “Girl’s Rule,” and “Rising Above the Myths of Aging;” she’s been featured on the covers of Published Magazine and One Mag. Debbi consults visionary leaders and senior executives in the world’s foremost companies to go beyond “obstacles” and limits of their thinking – accelerating results and catapulting spectacular successes. Clients have included corporations, as well as entrepreneurs, managers, students, celebrities and evolutionaries worldwide. If that sounds like a leader to work with send an email to: www.deborahdachinger.com

URL: http://deborahdachinger.com/syml/
Date: Thursday, September 4, 2014
Time: 2:00pm-3:30pm UTC
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Access: Public
Category: Advertising*, Marketing*, Metaphysical*, Music*, Personal Development*, Pets - Animals*, Politics*, Relationships*, Religion and Spirituality*, Sales*, Self Improvement*, Social Media*, Society*, Leadership*, Internet*, Hobbies*, Alternative Health*, Automotive*, Business*, Career*, Culture and Society*, Ecommerce*, Education*, Entertainment*, Family*, Finance*, Green*, Health*, Technology*
Created by: Public Access
Updated: Tuesday, August 5, 2014 11:03pm UTC
Cost ($): 479.-
Call In Number: Register for details: http://deborahdachinger.com/syml/
Contact Email: debbi@indie100.com
Contact Person: D. Dachinger
Contact Phone: 310-916-9064
Comments: None
