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AUTHOR: Self-Publish & Become an International Bestseller Teleseminar

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Description: Self-Publish & Become an International Bestseller Teleseminar

Do you ever feel like you’ve got a book in you? I will show you the system to self-publish your book so you can get it out now and sell your books right into bestseller status, and you can give workshops and training programs…

I’ll Work With You To Turn Your Book Into An International Bestseller So You Gain The Credibility, Help More People, and Parlay Your Book Into A Big Success

Preview Call Dates (free):
May 2, FRI @ 3 PM PT
May 3, SAT, 11 AM PT
May 13 TUES, 7 PM PT
Sign up for the free Preview Call today (Preview Only: http://deborahdachinger.com/self-publish-preview/)

Let Debbi coach you, each step of the way, to quickly and inexpensively create your own international bestselling book or more….

When you enroll in the new How to Self-Publish Your Book & Be an International Bestselling Author you’ll get the support and coaching you need to launch and market your book — regardless of your subject matter or whether you’ve ever had a book published.

Special Bonus For First 100 To Enroll

We’ll Send you a GIFT
“76 Places to Submit Promotions for Your Kindle eBook”
to Create Immediate Sales!

When you’re one of the first 100 people to enroll in the How to Self-Publish Your Book & Be an International Bestseller Teleseminar, as an extra bonus, you’ll get special sites and details so you become a book marketing and promotion pro. Read on for details and claim this bonus…

Enroll Now Because The Price Goes Up After
7:00 pm Pacific on Thursday, May 15th

Join Now: http://deborahdachinger.com/author/

FROM: Debbi Dachinger

Dear Friend,

Are you ready for a true breakthrough as an author?

If so, I’ll bet launching your own bestselling book is the game changer you’ve been looking for.

It’s a surprisingly important move to make and doing so can change your life and career forever while also allowing you to help a lot more people.

How do I know? Because it happened to me.

During this teleseminar I will share with you the step by step process I took personally that caused my book, DARE TO DREAM: This Life Counts!, to become an Amazon Best Seller within 24 hours. My book also won the National Independence Excellence Award for Best Motivational book of the year which was a huge accomplishment considering many of the ‘seasoned’ authors I was up against. In addition, the book was awarded the Missy Bystrom sponsor award by NIEA, and it placed bestseller in three categories!

I used the same step by step process for my second book, WISDOM TO SUCCESS: The Surefire Secret to Accomplish All your Dreams, to become an Amazon International Best Seller within 24 hours. That book received rave reviews in Writers’ Digest as well as U.S. Book Review. Pretty amazing for a first and second time author. And that happened because I followed the system I’m going to teach you, both times.

Whether you are aspiring author or have already published your first book, this teleseminar will be a great benefit to you with the various tools and resources I share that will save you thousands of dollars, save you wasted time, and the writing of a book that just ends up sitting on a shelf with no sales.

There’s a reason why today’s most successful authors and experts know that books are great for publicity and notoriety, and is a great value for your customer.

Why Settle For Just Writing a Book When Your Book Can Be a Hit and Create a Name and a Niche for Yourself by Becoming an International Bestseller.

Before we go any further, let’s make sure we’re on the same page as to exactly what you’ll learn in the How to Self-Publish Your Book & Be an International Bestselling Author Teleseminar: http://deborahdachinger.com/author/

Your Book Launch
Your Campaign
Secrets Of How to Become an International Bestselling Author
Marketing Lessons
Your Platform
Setting Up Your Book Online
What Self-Publishing Is
Advantages of Self-Publishing
The Steps For A Successful Campaign
Good Times To Launch A Book
Social Media
Writing Letters for your Book
Press Releases
Sample Emails
New York Times Bestseller vs. Amazon Bestseller
Book Tours
What Publishers Do
How to Promote
Your Book Cover, Testimonies, Photo, Bio
Book Editing
How To Track Book Sales
Book Awards
How To Get Your Book Reviewed
Create Buzz
The Big Day Your Book Is Launched – What To Expect, What To Do, How To Handle This Important Day.

Click here to sign up: http://deborahdachinger.com/author/

Many authors and experts have the wrong idea of what happens after they write a book. Did you know that only 3% of books written get sold? Most books are never even purchased. Don’t be one of those who puts effort into writing a book and then hope it will move forward on its own. It never does. There’s a glut of books out there. You must create a bestseller campaign and know how to get yourself there.

It really is that simple.

Sell MORE Books…
As an International Bestseller…

Next Level Calling Online Training & Coaching Program

“YES Debbi, I want this proven system to clarify, learn exactly how, & step into what I’m really meant to be up to in the world to allow my book to gain the recognition it deserves and to contribute in a far larger way.”

Hurry! Registration is only open for a limited time!

Read your 7-point overview then register below now!

1.YES, I understand that registration is only open for a limited time so it’s important that I join now before registration closes.
2.YES, enroll me in this 5-Week How to Self-Publish Your Book & Be an International Bestselling Author! I’m excited to clear away my fears, establish develop a concrete book strategy, create my campaign to achieve bestseller status, and generate a unique platform to change my status and the world in a big way.
3.YES, I understand that I’ll get access to the tele-course, valuable free bonuses for specific book marketing sites and ideas every week, my free gift for signing up, free replays after each week’s call, plus live calls with Debbi to walk me step by step through the training. The live calls begin Thursday, May 15th and happen every Thursday until June 12th.
4.YES, I understand that I’ll get access to this Bestselling Author Teleseminar plus replays when I enroll now so that I can go completely at my own pace and feel no scarcity or self-limiting thoughts that I won’t get it right.
5.BONUS for signing up today: “76 Places to Submit Promotion for Your Kindle eBook” free when you sign up today to start my process now and engage my energy in my life and book.
6.BONUS #2: Writing and Promoting Online Articles for More Website Traffic (How To). I’m looking forward to connecting with this amazing information so I can start connecting with thousands more people by supplying value to others through my book and subsequent articles.
7.7-DAY MONEY BACK GAURANTEE. You have an entire week. If it’s not moving you forward, you may receive a full refund as long as you write within the first week that the course begins. How does it get any better than that?

I’m excited. I’m grateful. I’m ready.
I’m going to register right now!

5 Reasons Why EVERY Author And Expert
Today’s Publishing World…

I’ve Sold My Books in 20 Countries,
Have Made the Bestseller List in Multiple Categories, as well as the International Bestseller List and my Books have received raves and Awards.

My name is Debbi, and I’ve been consulting and advising authors and entrepreneurs on how to promote their books, get on radio and make their dreams a reality.

I have been featured on multiple bestselling book sites, most recently How To Be A Bestseller, and also in the June and August (feature) of One Magazine.

As host of Dare to Dream Radio & TV, I interview some of the highest selling authors and prolific minds of our time.

I self-published on Amazon in order to get both of my books exactly where I desired them to be – International status and award winners. This also created many media appearances. You can do it too, and this is why I routinely get 2,000 to 4,000 people (sometimes more) in a single day registering for my teleseminars.

This How to Self-Publish Your Book & Be an International Bestselling Author Program is for anyone who’d like to take their book, self-publish it on Amazon and experience the book being a great success, and opening doors.

I absolutely love books and working with authors, which I’ve done for over several years now.

In that time I’ve seen that, for most authors, writing a book is a lot of work and invariably takes far longer than most people expect.

If you’re written a book, this course is for you!

Let Me Coach You on the Steps
to Design, Create and Market
Your Own Book to International Bestseller

Click here:http://deborahdachinger.com/author/

…Introducing the Teleseminar on How To Self-Publish Your Book on AMAZON and Become An International Bestselling Author

The How to Self-Publish Your Book & Be an International Bestselling Author is a one-of-a-kind teaching and coaching program that guides you step-by-step through the process of creating your own bestselling book.

Create New Relationships. Go the Extra Mile for the Relationship. Ask and You Shall Receive. Take Immediate Action and Tap into the Power of Loverage. The universe has opened up wide. Now act. Act. Act. Maximize your odds of success!

Starting May 15th, You’ll Participate in A New Tele-call Each Week With the Exact How-To’s
for a Bestselling Book Campaign and Book Launch
(All calls are recorded in case you miss any)

Beginning on Thursdays, May 15th, you’ll receive the first of five training calls that will take you step-by-step through the process of How to Self-Publish Your Book & Be an International Bestselling Author breakthrough.

Each module will total 90 minutes each. You will also receive valuable written bonuses to keep, guiding you and your book to success!

Save Big By Enrolling By 6 pm Pacific
Right Now: http://deborahdachinger.com/author/

Until then, you have two options for enrolling in How to Self-Publish Your Book & Be an International Bestselling Author, where I mentor you on how to launch your own successful bestselling book.

Remember, the investment in my program is peanuts compared with the revenue a successful How to Self-Publish Your Book & Be an International Bestselling Author can generate. Plus, you’re protected by a full 100% money back guarantee.

To Enroll: http://deborahdachinger.com/author/

Special Bonus For First 100 To Enroll:
Receive the “76 Places to Submit Promotion for Your Kindle eBook”

When you’re one of the first 100 people to enroll in our How to Self-Publish Your Book & Be an International Bestselling Author Program, as an extra bonus, you’ll get an eight-page PDF chock full of amazing data you never knew about to create a bestselling eBook – FREE and easy. With the exact where and how to submit your book.

Let’s Get Started Today!

Your Investment In My Program is A Mere
Fraction of the Revenue A Successful Book Can
Produce For You!

As you can see, my program can take you to a whole new level.

Think about where your international bestselling book can take you that you could not go before? Radio interviews, TV appearances, Bloggers featuring your work and your book, speaking engagements, new clients, new connections and affiliations, and getting known as an expert in a niche field.

I know that launching my own bestselling books changed my life and business forever – and has allowed me to help more people than ever.

I’m very confident launching your own bestselling book will be one of the smartest financial moves you’ll ever make. It was for me … and now I want to see it happen for you too. Click right here for the How to Self-Publish Your Book & Be an International Bestselling Author Teleseminar and let’s get started!

All the best,
Debbi Dachinger

Look forward to having you in the class. Register today: http://deborahdachinger.com/author/

URL: http://deborahdachinger.com/self-publish-preview/
Date: Friday, May 2, 2014
Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm UTC
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Access: Public
Category: Advertising*, Pets - Animals*, Personal Development*, Metaphysical*, Marketing*, Legal*, Leadership*, IT*, Investing*, Real Estate*, Relationships*, Webinar*, Travel*, Time Management*, Society*, Social Media*, Self Improvement*, Politics*, Religion and Spirituality*, Internet*, Industrial*, Ecommerce*, Culture and Society*, Computers*, Career*, Business*, Blogging*, Automotive*, Alternative Health*, Education*, Entertainment*, Home*, Hobbies*, Health*, Green*, Food and Beverage*, Finance*, Family*, Environment*, Writing and Web Content*
Created by: Public Access
Updated: Sunday, April 27, 2014 6:30am UTC
Cost ($): Free
Call In Number: Register first: http://deborahdachinger.com/self-publish-preview/
Contact Email: debontheradio@gmail.com
Contact Person: D. Dachinger
Contact Phone: 310-916-9064
Comments: None
