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FROM LOSS TO LIGHT: A Blueprint for Rebuilding a Life That Works

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Description: Ever since I opened my coaching practice in 2008, I’ve noticed a significant, common theme among most of my clients. They are stuck in some type of grief that negatively impacts their work performance and overall quality of life. I’m talking about grief triggered by circumstances or significant life changes such as: job terminations, illnesses and unwanted health conditions, marital discord, financial loss, divorce, death, substance abuse, aging, physical appearance alterations, deteriorating elderly parents, mental health challenges, geographical moves, new jobs, empty nest syndrome. Until this grief—past or present—either gets reconciled or resolved, it saps your energy, erodes your confidence, and kills your joy. Unreconciled and unresolved grief adds unnecessary stress. Actually, it’s exhausting on a number of levels. And—it holds you back from being all that you are meant to be. Sometimes people are grieving and don’t even realize it. Could YOU be one of them? Is there a loss or life changing event that you don’t want to face? Or is there something you fully acknowledge but it rules your thoughts, consumes your feelings, and leaves you dull because you can’t get past it?

You don’t need to resign yourself to an existence of simmering misery. There is a way through it. And that’s precisely why I designed this GROUP COACHING PROGRAM entitled: “From Loss to Light: A Blueprint for Rebuilding a Life That Works” that will run for 12 weeks. On January 28, 2013 I plan to spend an hour with YOU to share highlights of this program’s content and logistics.

As someone who has experienced many different kinds of losses during my life, I want you to understand that losses and grief don’t need to hold you hostage. I want you to KNOW that the negative impact of loss can be managed, to BELIEVE that you can grow from your loss and use it to make meaningful contributions in your world, to FEEL that you can claim your personal power and hope in a happier future, and to CREATE a viable plan that moves you forward. How does this sound? What would it mean for you to embrace your loss and finally make peace with it? What would it be like for you to proactively create a different life that brings you more opportunity, happiness, and fulfillment? In this group coaching program I’m going to show you how.

This free promotional teleseminar is for YOU if:

You suspect or know that your grief is negatively impacting your work.

You cannot concentrate and/or you experience memory problems on a regular basis.

You have difficulty connecting with others.

You feel chronically tired.

You feel isolated and alone.

You feel stuck in sadness, anger, and frustration.

You sense that life is a constant struggle just to survive.

You believe that life probably isn’t going to offer you more than what you have now.

If you are worn out from your grief and this message speaks to your heart, I invite you to join me on the FREE promo teleseminar to learn more about my winter group coaching program.

PREVIEW of SCHEDULE for Upcoming 6 Segment Group Coaching Program:

Phone Session #1: Defining and Understanding Your Loss

Tuesday, February 11, 2014 from 7:00-8:00 PM EST

Phone Session #2: Experiencing Your Loss Physically, Emotionally, Mentally, and Spiritually

Tuesday, February 18, 2014 from 7:00-8:00 PM EST

Phone Session #3: Changing Your Interpretation of Your Loss

Tuesday, February 25, 2014 from 7:00-8:00 PM EST

Phone Session #4: Discovering Possibilities and Opportunities in Your Loss

Tuesday, March 4, 2014 from 7:00-8:00 PM EST

Phone Session #5: Recovering and Moving Forward

Tuesday, March 11, 2014 from 7:00-8:00 PM EST

Phone Session #6: Creating Your Personal Plan

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 from 7:00-8:00 PM EST

Need a better New Year? If you want to learn more about this unique transformational program, REGISTER HERE for the FREE Promo Teleseminar. After you register, you will receive the dial-in information for the call as well as a handout. If you cannot join us live, a recording will be sent to your inbox a couple of days after the call.

Feel free to forward this announcement to a colleague or friend.

NOTE: If you have any difficulty registering for this teleseminar, please email me directly at: Sylvia@launchinglives.biz.

URL: http://www.launchinglives.biz/teleseminars.html
Date: Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Repeat Type: Weekly;Interval=4;Days=TU;Count=4
Time: 5:00pm-6:00pm UTC
Duration: 1 hour
Access: Public
Category: Personal Development*
Created by: Public Access
Updated: Monday, January 20, 2014 11:06pm UTC
Send Reminder: Yes  -  20140126
Cost ($): Free
Call In Number: register on website
Contact Email: Sylvia@launchinglives.biz
Contact Person: Sylvia Hepler
Contact Phone: 717-761-5457
Comments: None
