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"Profitable Networking!" - How to "ASK" your way to more Clients & Referrals!

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Description: Fed Up with Minimal Results from Networking?

Discover how to get real bankable results at last!

Check Out This 2-Part Webinar Course....

"Profitable Networking!" - How to "ASK" your way to more Clients & Referrals!

You're spending hours every week at networking events, yet you don't have much to show for it. Sure, you've got lots of business cards, but no clients! Networking is one of the best marketing strategies... but it's also one of the most time-consuming.

It can be frustrating going to event after event and not having much more to show for your efforts than a pocket full of business cards. One of the key skills you need is the ability to leverage your time and create more profitable outcomes from networking. But how?

Let me show you an easy way to dramatically increase your networking results… in my new webinar course! But is it really for you? Read on.

This webinar course is for you if...

* You are fed up with networking events and think they’re a waste of time – especially when it seems like everyone is just trying to sell to each other!

* You want referrals, yet you're uncomfortable asking for them and don't know quite what to say.

* You're working way too hard, chasing after clients. You wish there were an easier and faster way to have referrals, leads, and prospects coming your way.

Click here for more information:


How would you like it... if more of your conversations actually lead to MORE sales?

You CAN make it happen! True, you aren't supposed to sell during networking meetings - and the good news is that you won't have to - and yet you'll get results.

In fact, this technique will get you even better results than the most practiced sales pitch ever could.

What if you're shy about asking for referrals? The good news is that you won't have to. You'll learn about something you can do that will take the pressure off, yet result in real leads, and quite possibly referrals, or at least very warm introductions.

Yes, there is a way to leverage the connections you've made without trying to sell. And in this course, you'll find out exactly how to do it.

You'll discover...

* How to make networking finally work for you - and make it fun again

* The happy medium between just socializing and trying to find clients and referral partners - one that takes the pressure off and gets much better results

* What to say and when to say it to engage people and make meaningful connections that can result in sales

* Examples of successful uses of my ASK technique, and exactly how it works

* A very low-key way to get exactly what you want (more clients and referrals) - without being seen as pushy or sales-y

* ...and much more

In our two-part webinar course, I'll show you exactly how to engage fellow networkers - or simply people you're having conversations with in social settings. I'll walk you through the steps to getting more prospects and referrals from networking, and will actually help you create your "ASK!"

And if you're wondering just what having a well thought-out ASK can do for you? Now's your chance to find out...

Here's what you'll get in the two-part webinar course...

* A 90-minute intensive training webinar recording that walks you through the process of crafting your ASK, start to finish.

* A worksheet that will guide you step-by-step through the process

* A 90-minute interactive Q&A webinar where I will provide numerous examples and live coaching on real ASKS and show you how to make them most effective.

* I will also answer numerous questions!

* Separate downloadable audio recordings for easy listening on your iPod

* Transcriptions of both sessions to complete your learning library

In short, once you've completed the "Profitable Networking" webinar course, you'll have the key to creating an ASK that will help you get more prospects and referrals easily and quickly.

Click here for more information and to register:


As a result of this webinar course, you'll be prepared and ready to connect, whether you're at a party, in a grocery store check-out line, or at a high-powered networking breakfast. Imagine how many more opportunities for business you'll get in just one month when you have an easy and effective way to create profitable connections!

URL: http://www.sueclement.com/profitable-networking
Date: Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm UTC
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Access: Public
Category: Marketing*, Sales*, Business*
Created by: Public Access
Updated: Wednesday, September 4, 2013 7:54pm UTC
Cost ($): 127.00
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Comments: None
