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Feeling Invisible In This Reality Telecall

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Description: Were you brought up to be invisible? Were you taught by your family and caregivers to be very tuned into others’ feelings and needs, but to never have any of her own? Were you taught to be seen and not heard or maybe even not seen or not heard. What if that was never your fault and you never did anything wrong? Are you willing to finally come out of hiding knowing you are safe and the Universe does have your back?

We become invisible to others regarding our feelings and needs and who we really are, when our feelings and needs are invisible to ourselves. When we consistently ignore ourselves in deference to others, others ignore us as well.

Were you entrained that your job was to give to them but to never expect anything in return? As a result, did you learn to be totally tuned out to your own feelings and needs almost as if you didn’t really exist, other than to be there for others? And when your feelings and needs did surface, do you tell yourself they aren’t important and that you are so strong and could handle not having her feelings cared for or your needs recognized.
Have you convinced yourself that if you just cared enough about others, others would eventually care about you? Has that ever happened and is that really true?

Many of us have learned to be invisible – to ourselves and to others. What are some of the ways you create invisibility?

• Do you remain silent, not speaking up for yourself, when feeling discounted or unseen by others?
• Do you ignore your own feelings and needs in deference to others?
• Do you go along with what others want, even if you really want something else?
• Do you accept blame for things that you know are not really your responsibility?
• Do you put aside your own opinions and accept the opinions of others to be accepted?
• Do you accept disrespectful behavior from others, finding ways to excuse the behavior?
• Do you pretend everything is okay when you are really feeling lonely or sad?
• Are you conflict avoidant, preferring peace at any cost rather than rock the boat?
• Are you carrying too much of the load at home or at work, without complaint?
• Do you pretend to like a food, a movie, a topic of conversation, or sex, rather than run the risk of disapproval or rejection?
• Do you allow yourself to be violated in any way – physically, emotionally, verbally, sexually – to avoid rejection?
• Do you allow others’ anger or bullying to control you into doing what they want?
• Do you do everything yourself, never asking others for help?
• Do you caretake others’ feelings, telling yourself you are responsible for their feeling, while ignoring responsibility for your own feelings?

How often do you end up feeling unappreciated, unseen, not valued? How much of this is a reflection of how you treat yourself?

It takes great courage to shift from invisibility to being seen and valued. It takes great courage to be willing to lose others rather than continue to lose yourself. It must start with yourself – with learning to tune into, acknowledge, value, and take loving action for yourself regarding your own feelings and needs. It means moving into personal responsibility for your own feelings and needs rather than taking care of everyone else in the hopes they will eventually take care of you. If you are ever going to feel cared for and loved, it has to start with you caring about and being loving to yourself!

In this RICH Healing Tele-call, we will clear out all the ways you make and have been taught to make yourself invisible so you can find your voice again and finally acknowledge and appreciate all of you so you can be seen, heard, and fully honored in the here and now.

We will take you on a healing activation journey so you can shift and raise your vibrational frequency to resonate from the place of self-love and total honoring of all of your gifts, talents, and super abilities no longer having to hide or deny your authentic self.

Is now the time to come out of hiding and to fully radiate your inner light outwards and let the world see, hear, know, and experience all of you?

This call will be on Thursday May 9th at
5:00 PM Pacific / 8:00 PM Eastern / 12:00 AM GMT

To get the call-in details for the call, go to: http://richhealing.com/feeling-invisible-in-this-reality-free-tele-call-thursday-may-9th/

RICH Blessings,
Meryl Vandana Brinin
Patrick Arden Mcnally
Founders Of RICH Healing

URL: http://richhealing.com/feeling-invisible-in-this-reality-free-tele-call-thursday-may-9th/
Date: Friday, May 10, 2013
Time: 12:00am-1:00am UTC
Duration: 1 hour
Access: Public
Category: Metaphysical*, Religion and Spirituality*, Relationships*, Personal Development*, Webinar*
Created by: Public Access
Updated: Friday, May 3, 2013 8:10pm UTC
Cost ($): FREE
Call In Number:
Contact Email: meryl@richhealing.com
Contact Person:
Contact Phone: 917-301-6560
Comments: None
