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40 is the New 20….New Game, New Rules

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Description: Dating after 40 often seems like an insurmountable challenge to many men and women. But with lives being busier than ever, there is a gradual paradigm shift that has taken place over the past few years. At this tremendous once-in-a-lifetime Google Hangout opportunity, you’ll get the entire arsenal of weapons to handle the emotional turmoil that often comes with being single at 40.

The Bachelorette – If you’re in this category, you may have thoughts such as “How can I find true love at my age”, “How do I find a husband now” and “OMG, my biological clock is ticking away and I don’t even have a boyfriend.” Don’t worry – you will get your answers at this one-of-a-kind virtual meeting place from nobody but the experts who have been there and done that.

The Bachelor – This category of person has different worries, such as natural signs of male aging such as baldness and the dreaded beer belly. They may also worry that the women they like are actually getting younger, and they don’t want to look at women closer to their own age because of the emotional baggage that such women usually carry. If you’re in this group, then you need to be there at the google meeting.

The Busy Executive – This group is probably the largest out there, and commitment issues are usually topmost on their list of problems. The choice between relationships and career can be hard to make – but you’ll find out that this doesn’t need to be the case.

The Divorced – For this group, it’s more a question of backtracking into the dating scene after marriage and probably kids, too. If you’re a divorcee, you don’t need to be hung up about questions like ‘how can I find true love’ – if the love is inside you, you will find someone to share it with.

For anyone struggling with the ‘single at 40’ or ‘how do I find a husband’ issues, this Google Hangout may be the answer you were looking for. With experts such as DAVID OSTERCZY (high-profile relationship author, professional blogger and co-founder of the Dating DeMystified workshop), SUSAN BRADLEY (author of the award-winning How to be Irresistible to the Opposite Sex), LORII ABELA (soulmate manifesting expert and founder of Dating Coach International), BETTYLOU NELSON (dating coach, writer and relationship expert), ROSE LEUNG (Holistic Lifestyle Coach and writer) and CEIL HANSEN (LA Hall of Famer and multi-talented author, coach and trainer for top corporations around the world), you are guaranteed to get the best information about being single at 40 and loving it! Get the tools you need to handle whatever situation you are facing at the moment, and let your light shine through.

Google+ Hangout

To get to the pot of gold at the end of this rainbow, go here: http://bit.ly/XGU52E

URL: http://manifestingmydestiny.com/40isthenew20/
Date: Friday, May 10, 2013
Time: 1:00am-2:00am UTC
Duration: 1 hour
Access: Public
Category: Personal Development*, Relationships*, Self Improvement*, Webinar*
Created by: Public Access
Updated: Tuesday, May 7, 2013 7:13pm UTC
Cost ($):
Call In Number:
Contact Email: info@manifestingmydestiny.com
Contact Person: Lorii Abela
Contact Phone: 312-235-2688
Comments: None
